Eleodes arcuatus Casey, 1884
Source: TenebrioniDBase, 2015
Family: Tenebrionidae
Eleodes arcuatus image
Andrew Johnston  
Johnston et al. 2015
Diagnosis: Body ovate, shining black. Pronotum subquadrate, lateral margins moderately and evenly arcuate, tending to be slightly narrower posteriorly, anterior angles very slightly produced. Elytra densely covered in fairly minute punctures arranged more or less in striae, posterior margin of elytra abruptly and arcuately declivous. Profemora unarmed in both sexes, probasitarsis unmodified in males, with pencil brush of dark spicules interrupting apex of plantar surface in females. Prosternum widest near posterior margin of procoxae, narrowing evenly to a point well posterior of procoxae. Male parameres strongly deflexed ventrally at apex. Female genitalia with coxite broadly triangular, gonostyle subquadrate, positioned on posterolateral face of coxite. Distribution: Yavapai, Gila, Pinal, Pima, Santa Cruz, Cochise counties, AZ. NM, TX, Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico.
Eleodes arcuatus image
Andrew Johnston  
Eleodes arcuatus image
Andrew Johnston  
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image
Eleodes arcuatus image